Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i had a moment

yesterday was my BFF's birthday, sooo tonight we are going to dinner at a restaurant of her choice: Estrella Negra.

while out shopping for THE perfect birthday card, and princess-inspired birthday balloons, i had a moment. i realized that we are no longer "young." we are closer to 30's than we are to 20's. we can no longer show up at a restaurant with glitteratti, balloons, and party hats to celebrate birthdays. we are mature, classy women (ha) who sip on wines that appropriately pair with our dinner.

fuck. i mean.... what would you think of two grown-ass women accompanied by glitteratti and unicorns as they dine contemporary latin style?


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

from the "Complaint Box"

This article was written in the New York Times and seriously made me laugh out loud. Reminds me of my life in Chicago travelling from salon to salon.... looking for some place ((safe)) to put my car.

The other day on Fifth Avenue in the 50s, I was confronted with one of those ubiquitous red warning signs with a snowflake: “Snow Route / No Standing During Emergency / Vehicles Towed.” Underneath it, another red sign said: “No Standing Anytime.”

So there was no standing when there was a snow emergency and there was no standing when there was not a snow emergency. Like, no standing ever. But sometimes really no standing.

If there was no standing anytime, why did I need to know there was also no standing during a snow emergency? Did the Ten Commandments say also no adultery on Hamptons weekends?

Luckily, I was on foot. You would not want to be driving and trying to decipher the esoteric code of New York City’s parking signs at the same time.

On East 47th Street near the United Nations, twin signs announce: “No Standing Anytime” and “No Standing / 6 AM-6 PM / Wednesday / Except Farmers Market.” Definitely too much information.

In the West 40s, another pair presented an intriguing puzzle: “No Standing / 3 AM-5 AM / Except Sunday,” and just below, “Other Times/No Standing Anytime/Taxi Stand.”

So you could stand there weekdays and Saturdays before 3 a.m. and after 5 a.m., and all day Sunday. Except when you couldn’t. Which was all the time — unless you were a taxi. Did street cleaners come around in those two wee hours? Deliveries? Or was there some other mysterious reason the street had to be free of cars before dawn?

A parking pole in the West 40s posed another riddle. Underneath the standard “No Parking Anytime” was a sign saying “NYC Parking Card Available.”

Huh? A card not to park anytime?

Some signs just took a little time to decipher. Along First Avenue in the 50s, there was “No standing 7-10 AM/4-7 PM/Except Sunday.” Simple enough: Sundays you could stand all you want. Weekdays and Saturdays, only between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and after 7 p.m.

But oops, not so fast. “Other Times / No Standing / Except Commercial Vehicles / Metered Parking / 3 Hr. Limit / Except Sunday” read another sign below.

Hmmmm. Only commercial vehicles could stand there — for three hours, if they bought a meter ticket. Maybe.

I was contemplating the nuanced difference between standing and parking when I spotted a pair of signs on 40th Street near Avenue of the Americas. One said, “No Standing/7AM-7 PM/Except Sunday.” Fair enough. You could leave your car there any night and all day Sunday. Wrong. Because the other sign said, “No Parking/2 AM-6 AM/ Mon Wed Fri.” So, as I figured it, three days a week for four hours in the middle of the night you could sit (uh, stand) there in your car but you could not leave it parked, not without risking a ticket.

In Midtown, a pole — virtually a sign tree — spouted an array of proscriptions requiring consultation of a calendar if not an astrological chart. The first banned standing from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday. The next said no parking for street cleaning from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. except Sunday. Then came a sign allowing Muni-Metered one-hour parking weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. And finally another permitting parking from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays.

My head was still spinning when I peeked into a garage near Times Square to see how drivers might avoid the confusion of street parking.

For up to half an hour, the rate was $9.29 (plus, of course, 18 percent parking tax.) For two hours, $17.74. Twelve hours, $29.57. Twenty-four hours, $34.64.

Except if you enter in the 24 hours starting at 4 a.m. Saturdays, when the rate drops to $11.83 for 12 hours, or the 24 hours starting at 4 a.m. Sundays, when the rate is $8.45 for up to 12 hours, or if you enter on Mondays through Fridays between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. and exit by 8 p.m. …

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paris Hilton a.k.a The Little Mermaid a.k.a Siren

sooooooooo obsessed with this image. soooooooooooooo jealous it is not me.
this image will be used with Paris Hilton's new fragrance, Siren.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

some people can't be changed.

We zipped up our hoodies, tied up our converse, and headed out the door. With my neighbors, I walked over to a movie theater in the 'hood which claims to have the best popcorn in the city. I digress.... only because of the multiple flavors available to add to your popcorn does Landmark Theather stand at the top of my list.

Movie tickes sold for 4$ at our local theater. We saw The Soloist. Although I assumed the movie to be predictable and without creativity, I was surprised at the outcome of this movie. The movie was full of interesting information that I was before ignorant to and did not disappoint.

I was never aware of the LAMP Community in LA that houses poor and homeless people with severe disabilities, until I saw this movie. Los Angeles is home to over 90,000 homeless people, more than New York, Chicago, and San Francisco combined. Often times, the homeless people of LAMP's community are harassed by cops who perform twice-daily sweeps and trash the residents' belongings. Read more about it here.

Years ago, when I still lived in Fort Wayne, I was dating a guy who got weekly haircuts at a barber shop in our neighborhood. One day while at the barber shop, he noticed a guy sweeping hair and performing other small jobs around the shop. Turns out this guy was homeless, had been hired by the shop for small amounts of cash.

Barry [Mr. Homeless] was hired by [guy I was dating at the time] to clean and paint his basement for a mere 40-50$. Eventually we introduced Barry to a few neighbors in the 'hood, many who also hired Barry for odd jobs around their homes. Barry moved into an apartment owned by one of our neighbors, and they hired him full-time as their handy-man. For quite a while, Barry enjoyed the improved lifestyle and took advantage of ordinary things like sleeping in a warm bed, and shopping at the grocery store for food. BUT although Barry had a house to live in, he still had the mentality of a homeless person. Eventually, he moved back in to the streets. We have not seen or heard from him since.

Who were we to assume that Barry was not living the life he loved?
Who were we to tell Barry that there was more to life?
Who were we to attempt at changing a person unwilling to change?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

In and Out

3 dudes.
......at my place
.....in my space.
.....Friday night.

And I had planned to spend the weekend alone.....

After being bombarded with guests this weekend, I realize how much I truly value my "me" time.

My recent move to Chicago has attracted two different groups of people back into my life: Friends of mine living in Chicago that I have not seen in 2 years, and Friends in Minneapolis that need a place to stay when they visit Chicago.

Years ago, while working at a salon in Chicago, I became pretty good friends with a few of my guests. One of those friends resurfaced this weekend. He made an appointment and paid a visit to the salon I am currently working in. After cutting his hair, we decided to do dinner and catch up. We ended up at the Earwax Cafe for burgers (black bean), fries, and milkshakes (vegan).... and then over to a Wine Cafe for 2 flights of red wine. We caught up on our lives... work... relationships... friends... dogs... workout regimines... and family. As the night was coming to a perfect end with a good friend, he asked to crash at my place.

What is up with guys that think they can crash at your place just because you went 'out' with them?

You see, the problem is: A. He knew I already had out of town guests this weekend. B. I am not attracted to him in any way, shape, or form (and he knows it). and C. I had just got done telling him about my Mr. McDreamy.

The weekend has progressed. I've got two guys staying with this this weekend... guys who were at one point in time really good friends of mine. They promised the weekend would not be full of gayness, but the weekend HAS been full of flying fucking rainbows, cockrings, inflatable gags, and anal beads. I was promised shopping, and I got International Mr. Leather. I was promised a nice Sushi dinner... but instead, I got dinner with International Mr. Leather.

My friends have changed.
Or maybe... it is me that has changed?

I just know that I opted out of the gay bars last night and stayed home (when I finally got home.) There are 2 guys sleeping (snoring) on my living room floor... still in the clothing they wore out last night... and I hope to play on my own schedule today... instead of waiting around for other people the entire day...........

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

public transportation, skinny jeans, and a pair of converse.

dreams vs. reality

My dream is to be free of guilt and regret.
Reality is... we are all surrounded by controversy, circumstance, and error.

My dream is to remain 26 years of age forever.
Reality is... I am becoming older and wiser with each passing moment.

My dream is to never deal with money again.
Reality is... I work to make money and I make money to pay bills.
Reality is... There will never be enough money.

My dream is to sense satisfaction.
Reality is... I am never quite satisfied.

My dream is to travel the world, explore new places, learn new cultures...
Reality is... I travel often to places I have already been (most often).

My dream is live on a white sandy beach... in a major city with beautiful 75-90 degree weather everyday.... surrounded by raw food restaurants and organic farmers markets.
Reality is... I live in Chicago.... a city that I absolutely love.

My dream is to be whisked away to some far away place by the man of my dreams, never to be returned.
Reality is... I hover in this wonderful world of dating.

My dream is to live an Organic Raw lifestyle 100% of the time.
Reality is... Junk Food is everywhere.... temptation is hard to resist.

My dream is to devote every day of my life to rest and pleasure.
Reality is... I devote a good portion of my life to work and survival.

If you had the choice between living reality or a dream, what would you choose?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

who is the sexiest vegetarian alive?

for 2009's Sexiext Vegetarian

(feel free to write in my name in the "other" tab)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Confessions Of An Heiress. Hilarious

Her hair is fucking amazing. Her hairstyle changes as often as her clothing.

She is highly photogenic. ALWAYS looks amazing.
How could you not ♥ Paris?
. . . .i want hair like hers. . . .
i have a slight obsession. if i were paris hilton, i would be exactly like her. don't judge me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

this economy

don't trash your business cards

the southwest airlines dilemma

southwest airlines seeks passengers. pet airlines seeks pawsengers

music fans let go of cd's

has the recession affested the sex industry?

thrift stores running low on stock

now hiring! twitter throws the economy

the financial crisis as told by this American life

Monday, May 11, 2009


I drove my car in the middle of the night
I just wanted to see you so bad
The road was dark but the stars were bright
I just wanted to see you so bad
It didn't matter what my friends would say
I was gonna see you anyway
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad
You were staying in a big hotel
I just wanted to see you so bad
I didn't know you very well
I just wanted to see you so bad
We'd always talked on the telephone
But I'd never been with you all alone
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad

I got off on the seventh floor
I just wanted to see you so bad
I couldn't have asked for anything more
I just wanted to see you so bad
I saw your face so clear and bright
I must have been crazy but it sure felt right
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad

[Lucinda Williams "I just wanted to see you so bad]

circa Spring 08 Bryant Park

Sunday, May 10, 2009

still bitter.... from being dissed on mother's day.

a reminder to myself

"Dating should be less about matching outward circumstances than meeting your inner necessity."

Saturday, May 9, 2009

excess baggage

If you travel at all you know that the airlines are now charging a fee for checked baggage. Quite interesting since this incentivizes all of us who fly to try to avoid checking bags and attempt jam as much in the overhead compartments as possible. Where if they run out of room they will check your bag at no charge....... hmmmmmmmm. As a frequent traveler it amazes me that the airlines need to turn to this "excess."

I seldom am on a flight that is not completely full. While I am lucky enough to avoid most of these fees due to my stature with a couple of airlines..... that and a couple of hundred dollars will get a bag of trail mix..if your lucky.....I most recently traveled with three bags and while I escaped the fee on the first two.. the third bag cost me $100 each time I checked in. I was so frustrated I just left my third bag at my second destination..... it was my golf clubs which certainly deserved to be left behind, but the point is excess baggage can be costly. I know because I too come with some excess baggage. It is part of who I am today and while I certainly comfortable with the "extra fees" that come with it, it certainly can test the patience of those close to me. While I certainly try to leave it behind some times, there are some "trips" where the baggage accompanies me....and I ask for patience from those who it may effect because I do see where it can fill up the overhead compartment . It's part of that obstacle course I spoke of earlier, a course that I am determined to succeed at without the loss of the one I love. So while my bags will always be with me, I know I can be more sensitive on how I "carry on" with them. Everyday I learn and thats why life is so fascinating.

[This is a blog post written by him some few months ago]

He's got baggage. He works a ridiculous amount of hours every week. He's got a son in rehab, and 2 girls he doesn't see often enough. He's is emotional and sensitive.... overwhelmed.

I am certainly not equipped to handle excess baggage, I have tried my best to be patient and supportive... encouraging and compassionate.

It wasn’t good enough

I am suffering. I am in need of a friend. My best friend. And he is gone.... busy.... distracted.

Amazing that my best friend has not been willing or able to be encouraging...supportive... compassionate in my time of need.

Finally,I know what it feels like to be a single girl desparate for attention. Desparate to talk to someone that will listen. Desparate for a hug.

Before I met him, I would have considered myself an independent person... un-emotional.
That has changed.
I trusted him and counted on him. He was always right where I needed him.
He brought out the best in me and is now exposing the worst.

So I find myself back in the pool of "dating." It's sink or swim and I am determined to become a skilled swimmer and an expert diver.


The dating scene is whack. I share with you an e-mail I received via Loopt:

From: Ethan
Subject: My nest

Is where bird will pass out from exhaustion from a strenuous jackhammering of your sultry love orface. My passionate thrusts will only be followed by leaving your angelic face looking like a painters radio

Alluring, isn't it?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

healthy doggy

According to fruitnut.com, the World's longest-living, healthiest dog was a vegetarian. Read more:

[[ According to the Sunday Telegraph, Bramble, living in Bridgewater, Somerset, UK, has just (August 2002) celebrated her 27th birthday, possibly making her the world's oldest living dog and a contender for the "Guiness Book of Records".

How exactly does a dog live to be 189 (in dog years)? - Anne Heritage, 43, describes how Bramble survived at least one near-death-experience right at the outset in February 1977: "The day after we brought her home, the [New Quay rescue centre] kennels flooded and the other dogs drowned," says Ms. Heritage. "So she's been incredibly lucky."

Aside from luck, Bramble's secret to longevity is a vegetarian diet. Ms. Heritage is a vegan and has brought up her pooch on the same diet regime she herself follows.

"She has a big bowl of rice, lentils and organic vegetables every evening," says Ms. Heritage.

In addition to healthy eating, exercise is a must. Last year while recovering from a back injury from a fall, which doctors said could have paralyzed her, Bramble began taking swimming lessons at a canine hydrotherapy pool in Stolford. She now enjoys a a half an hour at a canine hydrotherapy pool, where Anne's partner Roy Franklin takes her weekly on Fridays..

She's still alert and active and goes for a walk four times a day. ]]

go veg.

♥peace, love, & lentils.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

still drenched in tears.

This is BJ. In a concrete kennel with a wooden slab to sleep on. This is the space he has been forced in to for 10 days straight. The only time he leaves the cage is when I show up to walk him. Otherwise, he is expected to shit, piss and vomit in this cage. The people at this facility/vet refuse to bathe my dog, and if they were to bathe my dog they would sedate him. I refuse to allow my dog to be sedated just to have a bath. After being at this place overnight, my dog is filthier than he has ever been. No one can explain what happened. The vet THANKS me for coming to walk my dog... as if I am going to allow him to sleep in his own shit.
This is Animal Cruely.

what used to be

He treats me better than any man ever has.... and better than any other man ever will.

He is my mentor and my hero.

He is an amazing father and has a good heart.

He enjoys long walks on the beach and home-cooked meals.

He pays attention to me.

He has a juicer and uses it! (SO cute)

He is soooo adorable.

He gives the best hugs.

He is thoughtful and generous.

He supports everything I say... every move I make.

He opens the door for me every time.

He is funny and laughs often.

He has a sexy voice.

He likes to go shopping with me but is not materialistic.

He never criticizes me.

He never argues with me.

He is honest and has nothing to hide.

He prefers that I wear no makeup and often reminds me how beautiful I am.

He is adventurous and brave.

He is easy-going and never challenging.

He is not judgemental and strives to do the "right" thing.

He listens.

He reminds me of what True Beauty is.

He is my best best friend.

He is nothing short of amazing.

I am proud of him. I am proud to be his girl.

..........but I feel like I am losing him. I am naseaus, anxious, teary-eyed, and I can't sleep.

because i am doing hair for a wedding this weekend.

Spring/Summer Aisle Style: A Look for Every Bride

If The Bride is wearing a…

One-Shouldered Gown…
…she likes to make an undeniably chic statement. Amy Abramite, Creative Director for Maxine Salon in Chicago, says to stick with the asymmetrical theme if your bride chooses to bare a shoulder during her nuptials. “An asymmetrical bun with the bang smoothed straight back and off the forehead would look beautiful,” Abramite says. And virtually any hair texture will work for this look. Straight, wavy or curly--it’s all appropriate!Abramite suggests making the bun visible on the side where the shoulder is bare, keeping the bulk of the weight below the ear in the nape area. This will balance the hair and the dress so the overall look isn’t too heavy on either side, she notes. “If an asymmetrical bun is too unconventional or ‘trendy’ for the bride, suggest a symmetrical bun that sits in the center of the nape of the neck just below the occipital bone instead,” she says. With either style of bun, the fringe can be worn smoothed back off of the forehead or swept to the side. If the bride chooses to go with a side-sweeping bang, it must sweep toward the direction of the bare shoulder to offset the look for balance, Abramite notes.

Dress with Short Hemline…
…she probably has great gams and wants to show them off on her wedding day! Or she wants to keep the event on the casual side. Just about every designer sent a short dress down the runway this season so be prepared with plenty of options for those brides who like to go against the norm. Celebrity, editorial and television stylist Charles Dujic says that if your client plans to wear a short dress, keep the look casual but soft and pretty. If she has short hair, a side-swept, piecey fringe is a great option, he says. “Add a slight bit of volume at the crown by back-combing, but make sure to keep the hair soft and loose,” suggests Dujic. “Then try adding a headband to give it a whimsical vibe.” For long haired brides-to-be, Dujic suggests creating random waves that bounce naturally off of each other for a beautiful effect. Use 1- and 1¼-inch curling irons to create soft spiral curls, alternating the direction of each curl and the irons. “Don't curl the ends of the hair, but instead give them a slight bend so the whole look feels organic and natural,” he advises. Next, ask your client to flip her head over so you can separate the curls by running them through your fingers. Add styling crème for definition, then have her flip her head back over so you can finger place the hair. “This look is polished, yet casual enough for the shorter length hemline of the dress,” Dujic says.

Strapless Gown....
…she’s versatile, sophisticated and (hopefully) has toned arms! A strapless gown lends itself to dozens of hairstyle options, but the first thing to note is the texture of the dress, says celebrity and editorial stylist John Francis of Chris McMillan Salon in Beverly Hills and Argyle Salon in West Hollywood. If it has a lot of embellishments and textures, opt for a cleaner, sleeker look with the hair. For simpler dresses, add an accessory to the hair to give the overall look more interest. If your client has short hair and is wearing a strapless gown, Francis suggests blow drying to produce lots of body and some texture. Dujic suggests a soft, sculpted look with waves for brides with chin length hair or shorter. To create this chic look, he says, first make a deep side part. On the heavy side, shape wet hair with styling gel into openly spaced finger waves. On the other side of the part, slick hair into a simple C shape around the ear, then dry it completely under a hood dryer. Then gently brush it out and add a bit of silicone to the finished look. Comb it back into shape. “The waves will move and be soft, and will have incredible shine,” Dujic says.

Dress with a High Neckline...
…she might be channeling Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn. This style calls for a look that’s playful but sophisticated and doesn’t interfere with the beautiful neckline of the dress. “One thing to remember is that the style you create will be in the bride’s photo album the rest of her life,” says Ginger Boyle of Planet Salon in Beverly Hills. Boyle suggests styling hair into a chignon to keep the look sophisticated. “You can create luxurious textures, with more or less detail depending on the type of dress,” she says. Another option for long hair is to style it into a sleek, classic shape that sweeps upward for a stunning effect. “The exquisite simplicity of uniform curls can add a sense of ease and nonchalance to the look,” Boyle says. You can also add detail with braids as long as you’re strategic with their placement. It’s important to maintain balance, she advises. For brides with short hair, a dress with a high neckline frames the face, so the best approach is to keep the hair higher up on the crown, Boyle says

For clients with long hair, Dujic feels that the bare shoulder look of a strapless gown is the perfect opportunity to style hair into a 1940s-inspired look. Start by setting sections in barrel curls with a 1¼-inch curling iron, and pin each curl into place until cool. Remove pins and brush out the hair with a cushion brush, forcing the waves back into place after brushing. For a fuller look at the bottom, back comb underneath then smooth over the hair to disguise. Loosen up the bottom of the hair a bit to give the look a modern spin.Francis agrees that long hair looks great with a strapless gown, but you have lots of styling options for long-haired brides. You can pull the hair into a classic updo, into an updo with texture or you can create a half up-half down style. A beautiful accessory can add the perfect finishing touch, he adds.

♥More Hot Bridal Hair Trends

If your client likes to be the first to wear a trend, there are plenty of modern styles you can offer. The French twist is making a big comeback, says Boyle. “Instead of at the back of the head, the twist is placed on top of the head or in pairs for a more modern look,” she says. Accessories like fishnet-patterned hairnets in white or scattered jewels are all the rage on the runways today. For your really daring brides, looks that are reminiscent of the eighties are also on trend; bigger hair styled higher up on the head was a prominent runway look. Anything that harkens back to the 1920s or 30s, like the Louise Brooks bob, is another strong catwalk trend. “Visible hairpins and hair that is a touch messy and undone is also really trendy,” Boyle adds.First and foremost, every bridal expert stresses the importance of a great consultation. The hairstyle depends so much on the bust line, texture and cut of the dress as well as the texture, color and length of your client’s hair. “Work with your bride to determine what she likes, her initial ideas and how you can make her feel most like herself,” Francis says. “Remember first and foremost she’s a bride and should always look her best without looking like someone else. Beautiful and classic is always a great way to go.”

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

drenched in tears

Due to this Law.......

Dog Bite Law consists of Dog or other animal’s bites and requires observation of the animal involved in the incident. Whenever the administrator finds out of any person that has been bit or attacked by a dog or other animal, he or she will be able to legally confine the dog and place it under the observation of a licensed veterinarian for up to a period of ten days. The department might also reduce this confinement period to less than ten days. The veterinarian doing such observation will be responsible of reporting the clinical condition of the dog right away and give a written confirmation to the administration within 24 hours after the dog has been given an examination and will also provide information such as the sex, age, breed, description, address, name of the owner or owners etc. and will be required to fill out specific forms for this. After the veterinarian has finished doing his or her observation on the dog he or she will then need to fill out written report on the dogs confinement period. In cases where the dog has been inoculated against rabies for example, the dog may just be required to be confined to its owners home or will need to be kept at all cost away from people so that it does not attack again for a period of ten days. Again the time for this type of confinement can be reduced depending on what the case is. And in the end the dog will always be examined by the administrator or a licensed veterinarian. There is obviously a lot more on the Illinois Dog Bite Law and if you are interested in finding out you can speak to a lawyer concerning your specific case. [http://www.seefido.com]

.....my dog is confined to a small concrete cage where he must poop and pee on himself for 10 days. he is not allowed to go outside. he is not allowed to leave the cage.

he did not attack. he simply snipped at someone that scared him. he meant no harm.

this treatment is inhumane. disgusting. sad.

Monday, May 4, 2009


You are on camera an average of 10 times per day. Are you dressed for it?
[Kenneth Cole]

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mow The Lawn

I think this is great....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

♫♪ ♫ ★ ♫♪ ♫ ☺ ♫♪ ♫ ★ ♫♪ ♫

This AM, I spent a fair amount of time updating iTunes and downloading new music.
A few of the songs downloaded from a mix Reggae CD that I heard on the islands, some of the songs picked up by Shazam , and an entire sumer album courtesy of Flavorpill's Mango Mix.

I couldn't help but share a few of the songs I downloaded:

Passion Pit :: Live To Tell The Tale
Lykke Li :: Little Bit
Pete Philly & Perquisite :: Time Flies
Alaine :: Deeper
Groove Armada :: Get Down
A. R. Rahman :: Jai Ho!
Mary J. Blige :: Just Fine
Aswad :: Don't Turn Around
The Gap Band :: I Don't Believe You Wanna Get Up and Dance
N.A.S.A. :: Gifted
Chikita Violenta :: Laydown
Curumin :: Caixa Preta
Santigold :: Your Voice
Libretto :: Volume
Lady Sovereign :: I Got You Dancin'
Divine Brown :: Old School Love
I Wayne :: Life Seeds
Karrin Allyson :: Samba Saravah

Lollapalooza. Chicago. Grant Park. Summer Time.


A few of the reasons my heart was pounding with excitement after seeing the 2009 line-up:

Zap Mama
Passion Pit
Kid CuDi
Lykke Li
Depeche Mode
Beastie Boys
Snoop Dogg
Thievery Corporation

♫♪ ♫ ★ ♫♪ ♫ ☺ ♫♪ ♫ ★ ♫♪ ♫

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Six Degrees Of Separation

When I was a small girl, still playing board games and Barbies, the Ouija Board always promised that I would eventually marry a guy named Troy.

Just a few years ago, I met a guy named Troy, who at the time was in a relationship. When that relationship proved failure, Troy and I "hooked up." [I have no intention on marrying Troy, and we are no longer "hooked."]

Troy resides in the Logan Square, a community located on the northwest side of Chicago.

I just recently moved to the Logan Square neighborhood and live on North Troy Street.

In Minnesota, there is no shortage of Co-Op Grocery stores to shop at. In fact, within a 5 mile radius of my place there, I had 2 Co-Op Grocery stores to choose from.

Logan Square will soon be home to the only Co-Op Grocery store in Chicago.

Clean & Green ....not just because it was Earth Day.

Yesterday was Earth Day. A day to continue thinking about creating a new earth, putting an end to global warming, reducing our pollution, recycling, taking our health back into our own hands.

*deeeeeeep breath*

Just recently, I noticed a flyer hanging out of my mailbox. It was originally hand-written and had obviously been copied. It read:

Chicago's Clean & Green
Help Our Neighborhood
This Saturday is our Wards Clean Up
April 25 2009
Let's make our neighborhood more attractive. Keep it Clean and Green. Lend a hand to sweep up the accumulated litter and trash of winter on our block.
Bring your shovels and brooms. We will supply the bags.
We will meet at 10AM.

Time to step up to the plate and DO something to make the world a better place.
Huffo Post On how becoming a Vegetarian has potential to save the Earth.

The Raw Divas say that it doesn't matter if it's diabetes or cancer or arthritis or asthma... People change their lives every day by changing the food they put in their mouth. Getting people to transition toward a vegetarian, vegan or raw food diet is without question the fastest way to improve the environmental conditions on this planet.
Not just for the obvious reasons related to waste, consumption and toxic overload, but because when you improve the health of the people on this planet--when you inspire them enough to believe that they can thrive, they'll start doing a lot more to make sure that future generations can, too.

The Guide Girls The hilariously creepy duo puts on the hot (their word, not mine) for online instructisodes that teach people how to lead more ecofriendly lifestyles.

Dig N’ Swap is the easiest and fun way to swap fashionable clothing and accessories with people who share your passion for fashion.

Urban Fox provides Dainty burlesque-inspired undies and tops made of bamboo and organic cotton blends.

No Impact Man wrote an open-discussion blog about our purpose on this Earth.
To celebrate Earth Day and our beloved planet, Evite and your favorite BRAVO celebrities have created these exclusive invitations to help you get eco-friendly for your next party.

Up on the Roof A lofty idea is blossoming in cities around the world, where acres of potential green space lie overhead.
Make Juice Not War. Take the Adventure Cleanse with me and the gang. DO IT.
♥peace. love. raw foods. and green grass.♥

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

exposed. completely.... and i brought it upon myself.

On May 6th I watched Slumdog Millionaire ....again. On May 7th @ 5:07 AM CT I was boarding a flight to San Juan. I have a strong passion for my profession with interest in educating others, at the same time allowing myself to continue my growth as a person and a professional stylist & facilitator. I do not watch TV. I graduated from South Side High School in 2001. I need to read A New Earth Again. One of my favorite quotes: "...the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."-Carrie, Sex and the City.I am a Redken Certified Haircolorist and I work at Aniko Salon. Vegan Girls Taste Better, Beach Babes, Shoe Addicts Unite, and Pandora are a few of the groups I have joined. I voted for Barack Obama.I exist in a world that exceeds my surroundings. Raw food, recycling, skinny bitches, high heels, lip gloss, world news, music, traveling, mascara, creme brulee, bling, flirting, skinny pants, converse, W Hotels, Chicago, amazon.com, and good books are a few things that interest me. Rude, mellow, organized, unpredictable, shameless, bizarre, gentle, curious, versatile, and approachable are a few words that I would use to describe myself. I am a fan of Shades EQ and Sam Villa.I read City Magazine. Duluth, Maui, the Caribbean, New York, and LA are among many of the places I visited last year. I attended the Redken Symposium. The next time I visit Atlanta, I will have dinner at Il Localino. I have attended the Summit Salon Business College. I gave 5out of 5 stars for the Ice Wine @ Rum Jungle.

As long as sites like Myspace, Facebook, Linked-In, and Yelp exist, none of this information is secret. Model Mayhem and Twitter, Classmates and Tumblr. TripAdvisor and Blogspot. Our lives have been posted to the WWW via social networking site after social networking site for the whole world to see.

Just recently I met a new friend. Within 24 hours of meeting this person, she found me on 5 different social networking sites, 3 of which I do not update regularly. The only way to feel was Exposed. slightly Violated. and Embarassed. I was excited about the opportunity to create a new first impression for myself, but I was never allowed that opportunity. I have portrayed myself in such a way that could be interpreted so many different ways. I will never know what runs through a persons mind as they discover page after page of status updates, personal information, and profile pictures of myself.
It's time to make a choice: Do I continue to maintain profiles on all of these various sites? Do I continue to accept friend requests by people I don't even know? Do I continue to join groups whose forums I don't even visit? Do I continue to update a profile page that is viewed mostly by people I don't even like?
OR.... have I outgrown this?
All of a sudden, I would prefer to have a conversation face-to-face with my colleagues rather than e-mail via Facebook.
All of a sudden, I am not interested in updating a profile which is viewed mostly by people that I went to high school with.
All of a sudden, I would prefer to keep personal moments captured by film to myself rather than sharing with people that will never know the story behind the image.
All of a sudden, I seek mind stimulation rather than gossip material.
All of a sudden, I simply don't have time.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Product Whore - Must Have's For The Moment

Go Smile Lemonade Whitening Toothpaste: This deliciously fruity toothpaste contains beneficial, natural white cranberry powder and lemon extracts. A dose of fluoride prevents tooth decay and strengthens enamel. I don't dig the taste of mint & cinnamon (in fact it makes me barfy) SO this stuff is perfect! It tastes like candy, and will help whiten your teeth, AND clean the chops.

Pureology Colourmax: Fortify and help repair hair while delivering extra colour protection and radiant shine. This lightweight, daily-use mist envelops hair in the highest concentration of the exclusive AntiFadeComplex® to maximize colour retention, while restoring softness and manageability. I want my haircolor to last, therefore I use ColourMax. There is nothing else that works quite like it. It's bomb.

Redken Color Extend Shine Enrich: Protects haircolor while helping to seal split ends, smooth flyaways, and impart mirror-like shine. This new product is AMAZING. After I've blow-dryed volume into my hair, I use this product to soften my hair back up. This product is super light-weight and really does impart a mirror-like shine.

Vera Wang Princess: Created for the playful, unpredictable, independent woman who treats every day like an event and adventure. This is a woman who likes to make her own magic, this sheer, flirty blend of water lily, lady apple, mandarin meringue, and golden apricot skin are melded with sheer floral notes, accented with dark chocolate, and finished with a pink frosting accord, amber, warm woods, musk, and vanilla - a whimsical treat. Subtle but YUMMY. I use the fragrance and Body Butter.

Dermalogica Skin Renewal Booster: An exfoliating complex of hydroxy acids and smoothing plant extracts to actively loosen dead surface debris, smooth the skin and improve texture. Must stay pretty. Refuse to get old. Taking care of my skin is the most important part of my day.

Urban Decay Baked Bronzer: Baked Bronzer is no ordinary pressed powder bronzer. It starts as a cream then is baked on a tiny terracotta dish to create a totally refined powder. This high-tech, streak-free bronzer gives you a perfect, lightly-toasted look. Bronzer with bling... has a teeny weeny amount of glitteratti/sparkle for a perfect glow.

H2O Poolside Moisturizing Body Balm: This fresh, fragrant body lotion drenches skin with water-rich moisture leaving it smooth, supple and lightly scented with green melon, camellia and magnolia blossom. Marine extracts combine with emollient shea butter and soothing aloe vera for an all-over healthy radiance. This lotion smells YUMMY. Even smells delish on men..... the scent is subtle but last all day. Ladies, I encourage you to gift this to the BF. seriously.

OPI Log On To Love: Part of OPI's e-romance collection. This shade is a shimmery red that’s a digital darling. This color looks good with Reds... it looks good with Oranges... it looks good with Pinks, therefore it is the perfect summer color. It looks good with everything, damnit. (was perfect on the cruise)

Redken Urban Experiment Velvet Gelatine: Contains a silk infused formula that achieves surreal velvet texture with luscious body. Enrobes hair with dense cushion and softness. Gives a velour, cushioned finish. I blow dry this product into my hair every day. Smells delish and provides just enough volume which is a cushy volume, not a blown-out volume. love, love, love it.

Victorias Secret So Sexy Brilliant Shine Mist:This extra-fine aerosol mist gives hair a high-gloss finish and soft, silky feel without weighing it down. Lightweight silicone- and vitamin-enriched formula with hydrating silk amino acids adds brilliance while infusing hair with moisture and a sheer, fresh scent. Spray lightly on wet or dry hair for instantly sexy, super-shiny style. I love this product mainly because of the scent. It smells delish and last all day.

The Hair Files

To inspire not only you, but myself as well... I am (finally) going to begin blogging about information relevant to the industry that I work in:
Hair & Fashion.

For the hottest hair trends straight from the Runway visit: Fashion Week

[all images borrowed from Redken.com]

As of this week, I am joining Aniko Salon & Spa in the South Loop as a Redken Certified Haircolorist and Stylist.

You can catch me at the salon every Friday rockin' the locks of hott-ees.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

bunny food

Brother: "Dad has always made the best
cupcakes. I don't know how he pulls it off."
Dad: "I follow the directions."

Friday, April 10, 2009


u-haul trucks and furniture pads. movings boxes and busy work. class requests and paperwork. new neighbors and long-lost friends. conference calls and bio pages. missing items and ill-functioning light sockets. a salon search and a photographer hook-up. a busy social life and insufficient alone time. dunkin' donuts and portillos. cb2 and trader joe's. google maps and new paths. picture hanging and office organizing.
i was ill-prepared to get what i asked for: a move to the city. the city that has caught my intrigue for years. Chicago. home.
maybe i thought that my friends were longing for the day that i'd be back. they haven't called much.
maybe i thought i would live in a small one bedroom condo with beautiful granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances, hard-wood floors and street parking. instead, my place is intrinsically quaint. a jacuzzi tub, berber carpet, and a fenced-in back yard.
maybe i thought i needed to be closer to my family. i have contemplated NOT going to see my family for Easter.
there are days that i don't a minute to spare. not a second to process a thought. there are nights that i am alone.... unsure of what i should be doing.
i got what i asked for. Chicago. home.
ambivalence: the coexistence within an individual of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action, simultaneously drawing him or her in opposite directions.

Monday, April 6, 2009

a house is not a home

Goodnight Chicago, you have skies
As red as any summer
Goodnight Chicago, you are mine tonight
Goodnight Chicago, you have eyes
As bright as any child
Goodnight Chicago, you are mine tonight.

[Lucy Wainwright Roche]

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Chicago Craigslist > City Of Chicago > Pets

Cute Shih Tzu puppy needs doggy-sitter (North Side, Chicago)

I have a small 11lb. quiet, clean, well trained, well-groomed Shih Tzu that is in need of a doggie sitter. I travel often for work and need a reliable sitter for the pooch to be with while I am gone. I travel anywhere between 2-20 days a month.

This job is really for the person that wants a pooch of their own without the expense, as I will provide all food, toys, vet bills, grooming, etc. BUT I do not have $$ to pay someone to watch the pooch. I can offer Hair Services (color, cut) for you and your immediate family/friends in exchange for your service.

The pooch enjoys a quiet home, and is fairly independent. He only barks occasionally and is very low-maintenance. Serious inquiries please contact me @ clashbabi@gmail.com with some information about yourself your work/living situation, why you would like to watch my dog, etc.)

I arranged this deal with someone in Minneapolis when I lived there, and it worked out quite well. She loves the dog as if he is her own, and borrows him on weekends when she will be alone.

Location: North Side, Chicago

This is reality, people. HELP!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dear, Loved Ones

Dear Mikey,

Thank you for being openly excited and willing to fly to Minneapolis simply to help me move to Chicago. Unfortunately, my friendships with big strong (gay) men have all gone to shit which has left a little bit of NOBODY to help lift furniture.
I know you will enjoy your first flight out of the Fort Wayne International Airport that consists of only 6 gates. You will be sure to find your way around, no problem. I am almost positive you would have been upgraded had there been a First Class cabin on your flight. Take drugs and chew gum on the plane, I can guarantee it will be a shitty flight.
Please do not bring your gun, it will not pass security. Don't bring any cigarettes either. If you smoke, I will get grossed out and make you sleep on the floor.
I look forward to seeing you as long as we don't have to discuss politics and religion. We will NEVER see eye-to-eye on either of these subjects, so why debate? Big Daddy looks forward to meeting you as well... er... as long as you handle yourself with politeness and tact.
OK. So, honestly, we are nervous. Will you please move boxes and keep quiet next weekend?
See you early Thursday morning.
♥ Love, Your Sister a.k.a Baby Girl

Dear Big Daddy,
I freakin' love you man. You've always got my back.
THANK YOU for your support.
THANK YOU for your help (ALL of it.)
THANK YOU for being you.
THANK YOU for an amazing friendship.
THANK YOU (in advance) for putting up with my family. You will be a great inspiration to my brother, and a form of entertainment to my mother.

♥ Love, Your BFF

Dear Mom,
Thank you for passing on the Shopping Gene. We can both celebrate the fact that the shopping scene in Chicago does not suck.
I know how often you like to go shopping - which tells me how often you will be in Chi. visitng. Thank goodness I am renting a 2 bedroom place with an off-street parking spot (for the Benz.) If you come too often, I may have to charge you rent.
What goes on while shopping stays between you and I. Never will we reveal how much money we actually spend... ok? (Not that I have anyone to answer to, but I know you do.)
See you on Friday (don't forget to stop by Trader Joe's to pick up some groceries.)
♥ Love, Your Beautiful Daughter

Dear Daddy,
Thank you for helping me move 8 times in the last 8 years whether it be across the street or across the country.
You're off the hook this time. Instread, I have recruited your son.
I look forward to being close enough to come home for the holidays again. I can even bring BJ!! (Maybe a boy??)
See you Easter Weekend.
I love you daddy,
♥ Crista

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

links that caught my attention

you can't NOT visit these links.

The Aquarium, Grenada is plastered with amazing artwork. They claim it's for sale but couldn't come up with a price. Kitchen, Bedroom, & Bath by H&M? whoa. Michelle, let's meet over some peas & carrots. World Envy: Dubai. RUN! Amateurs among professionals: Travel Envy. Subscribe. View previous issues. You'll thank me later. Barbie turns 50. Hot Damn! Goin' Detox.

I wish I were a Sleepyhead... instead I am up blogging at 2 AM.

Peace, Love, & Unicorns

Thursday, March 19, 2009

a.k.a Ariel (the sexed-up version)

A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature that is half human (torso), half aquatic creature (e.g., a fish or dolphin tail).Various cultures throughout the world have similar figures. The word is a compound of mere, the Old English word for "sea," and maid, which has retained its original sense. The male equivalent is a merman.

Much like sirens, mermaids would sometimes sing to people and gods and enchant them, distracting them from their work and causing them to walk off the deck or run their ships aground. Other stories have them squeezing the life out of drowning men while attempting to rescue them. They are also said to take humans down to their underwater kingdoms. In Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid it is said that they forget that humans cannot breathe underwater, while others say they drown men out of spite. [wiki]

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Goin' Green

On St. Patty's Day, Chicago paints the river green. Irish Americans celebrate with song and dance (err... bagpipes). Corned Beef & Cabbage is consumed by the majority of the population. Green Beer is poured at every Irish Pub. McD's produces the Shamrock Shake.

I celebrate the green smoothie. Inspiration: Green Smoothie Blog.

Sweet Irish Creme Recipe
2 Bananas
1 Kiwi
Couple Handfuls o' Spinach
Handful o' Green Grapes
Couple o' Mint Sprigs
Dash o' Vanilla
1/2 cup o' Soy Milk
6 ice cubes

I stepped off the plane in MSP at 6 PM. By 7 PM I was at the co-op filling up my re-usable bag with fresh greens and fruits.

Baby Spinach, Dinosaur Kale, Wheatgrass, Bananas, Green Grapes, Asian Pears, Kiwis, Ataulfo Mango, Cherimoya Apple, Blood Oranges, Tangerines, Avocados, Mint Springs - all smoothie ingredients.

Butternut Squash for roasted sweet goodness.

Whoever said the food on Cruise Ships is good was lying. It's nasty. The only hope you have is to find fresh fruits hand-picked off the trees & vines on the tropical Carribbean islands. Due to over-consumption of frozen, processed, not-so-fresh, not-so-organic foods, I am goin Detox. Ridding my body of the garb food that I was served day-in and day-out on the boat.

Barf bucket anyone?

Monday, March 16, 2009



Nauseated, as we rode up and down the rocky streets in the mountains of Grenada traveling 85 miles per hour at the very least.

Relieved yet discontent as we approach the Balthazar Estates, a destination for tubing through the flowing rivers high up in the mountains of the island. Instantly, a group of 5-6 young men approach, immediately instructing us to leave all of our personal items in the taxi cab and to strip down to our swimsuits.

“You will need your flipflops,” they said’ “The river is rocky.” They instructed me on how to connect my flipflops to the life jacket they asked me to wear.

We had to trust that after tubing a few hundred feet down the river, the cab driver would meet us at our final destination, where we will be served a Run Punch and recollect our items. Uneasiness flowed through our bodies, as we knew little about the cab driver that had approached us at the Port in town 30 minutes prior, soliciting work for the day, and bargaining a price.

Apprehensive, we crossed our fingers that we would see our wallets, jewelry, cash, and credit cards at the rivers end.



As we step off the ship in Dominca, we are instantly greeted by locals soliciting work for the day. “Hello ma’am, how are you? Would you like to visit a beautiful beach today?” “No Thank You,” we respond over and over and over again.

We had expected to be greeted by a guy holding a sign: eXteme doMinica. We would get in this strangers car and ride to the Cocoa Cottages which is home to a small guest house that sits deep in the rainforest. That is, prior to canyoning in an area of the island not many people get to see. He finally showed... 10 minutes late.

After being served fresh fruits and homemade juices at the guest house, we were sent to the outdoor changing area with wet suits, life jackets and harnesses. Again, we were asked to leave all of our belongings in a common room, there would be no room for them in the canyons.
Swimming through pools of fresh spring waters, rappelling down waterfalls, and jumping off 15 foot cliffs, we had put our lives and our safety into someone else’s hands.
For some reason, I had never felt more safe with these guys.



Completely aware that the maid will spend time in your room... cleaning... changing towels.... turndown. Your jewelry, laptop, ipod, favorite clothing and belongings left vulnerable to her envy, want, and greed.

I have only discovered one item missing out of a hotel room. Straight off the docking station in my room at the W Hotel, my IPOD disappeared. Not only MY IPOD, but my roommates IPOD as well.
Often times, I wonder which (if any) items have come up missing that I have never found out.



Often times, when flagging a cab, we do not look a cabbie straight in his eye and never bother asking his name. Ignorant to the color of the cab and the company name boldly written on the side of the car.

My first trip to New York City (alone) I found myself in a taxi cab whose driver decided he would not accept my credit card. He demanded cash that I did not have. We argued. He insisted that I take money out of any ATM in a convenience store while he wait across the street and around the corner with my bags, my belongings, all of my favorite items locked in his trunk. With the cab out of site, I bolted across the busy streets of Manhattan to withdrawal money I did not have.
After losing my iPhone in a cab in Vegas, I realized that I knew nothing about the person and the vehicle that had been responsible for getting me back to the hotel. I had no idea what color the vehicle was, whether it was a van or a car, or what the driver looked like. BUT my receipt did show what company the cab was with......

Needless to say, I never tracked that guy down.


Naturally, I write this post while lodged at the Sheraton Gateway LAX, half of my life packed within a few pieces of luggage. I have not been home since Feb. 28. Vulnerable to the outside world. My life constantly put in to someone else's hands........

Sunday, March 15, 2009

5 Dresses

Dress: Forever 21 Handbag: Hype

Dress: Forever 21

Dress: Twelve By Twelve Jewelry: Handcrafted in Maui

Dress: BCBGeneration Jewelry: Zida

Dress: BCBG