Monday, February 23, 2009

Starting Over @ 26 - Take 4

NOTE: I entered my 26th year more aware of my health and well being than I had ever been in 25 years. Because I started a new life then, and continue new beginings, I thought I would share this post that was originally written on 9.23.08 just after my 26th birthday party... in a different blog that no longer exists. enjoy :)

In an attempt to have a vegan birthday party (with 100% carniverous attendance), I refused to supply meats and non-foods to my friends. This also meant I, and I alone prepared all of the food.
I made Fruit Sushi Roll-Up that consisted of red bell peppers, carrots, mango, pear, and apples wrapped in Nori and drizzled with a fig coco sauce. They were to die for - and a big hit, might I add. The recipe was inspired by the RAW Cookbook - the un-cook book.

I also offered Hummus & Tabouleh. Garlic Hummus topped with Red Onion, and Regular hummus topped with olive tapenade. -Of course served with a variety of pita breads and crackers. I will admit that I offered chocolate covered edamame and a small variety of cheeses served with grapes. eek! -I have extra cheese left-over sitting in my fridge. Trash it?I also offered a black bean dip w Jalapeno chips, marcona almonds, and a variety of wines. No birthday cake. :)

Another Birthday Post

Starting Over @ 26

I'm Not The Only One


Anonymous said...

Are you vegan?

Bird* said...

Cheryl - no, I am not 100% vegan, but it is a goal of mine. i lose when i am traveling... which is often. selection is tough in restaurants and hotels..........

Andhari said...

looks good, should give them a try.

ceecee said...

Good for you! I know I can't go 100% vegan... But thinking about your health and wanting to stay healthy is the great way to go.

Bird* said...

Thank you Ellegant for the award :)