Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the best things in life are found on Craigslist

Determined to find a decently priced apartment to look at in December when I visit, I am now spending a good portion on my time browsing ads on Craigslist. I have not announced it to the world yet, but I plan on moving back to Chicago in Spring of '09.

I couldn't NOT share this ad that I came across while browsing through the Apt/Housing category.

$30 / 3br - -------------House Wife Wanted....All Expenses Paid.....SAVE $$ (Just South of Wicker Park)

You Provide:
Laundry and house chores.

I Provide: All Housing Expense Paid......You Live For Free....And a chance to get ahead in life by living for free.......

Me: 28 M White, Attractive, Business Owner, Wicker Park

--I am Looking for a house wife

--You wash my laundry/ cook/ clean....I pay all of the bills....

-- I work 90- 100 hours a week, and am sick of spending my small amount of spare time doing house chores......

--Be my house wife and I'll pay all of the rent/ utility / tv / phone / internet / food / drinks / parking expenses you are currently paying!! You can save up $$ and get a jump start on life !!

--Please include your picture and #.....I'll call to answer any questions you may have.

-- And yes, this is a real ad, and no this is not too good to be true. I would just rather not spend my only day off washing clothes (10 loads per week of work clothes) / cleaning up the house and my office....

dogs are OK - wooof
Location: Just South of Wicker Park

Tempting. I think I am the right person for the job. (If not, Phil, I will find out if he would be open to a "house husband.")


Anonymous said...

Bird, this is very similar to what I do for a living....and it's the best job I've ever had. My employer is a young, single, handsome, successful man who wants his entire household run efficiently.
I don't live there, but I'd sure like to!

Anonymous said...

moving to Chicago. Well its half ghetto and half nice. LOL Most poor african american people go here. I guess your seeking change of scenary.

Anonymous said...

lol that ad is hilarious and thought it seems tempting it also seems creepy too lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of me!

I'd better go pretty myself up for that picture now.

Anonymous said...

Sam: Really? Did you REALLY say that?

Phil: It's you against me buddy. May the prettiest picture be chosen.