Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i am mermaid.

The 4 Steps to becoming a Mermaid:
#1. strip down to minimal clothing and allow artist to paint fins with glitteratti blingin acrylic paint
#2. Photographer snaps shots in multiple "mermaid-like" positions
#3. artist sketch (see below)
#4. the final image including iridescent gliteratti fun. (coming soon)

I was reminded today that i was still eating hotdogs, porkchops, burgers, bacon, and bologna when the early stages of my mermaid-ness were taking place. nasty.
in this photo, i was a carnivore. blah.
xox Bird* a.k.a Ariel


Anonymous said...

hhhhmm your going to have a huge fin as legs??? I thought halloween was over.

Anonymous said...

You're like the reverse Ariel.