Saturday, May 30, 2009
Paris Hilton a.k.a The Little Mermaid a.k.a Siren
Thursday, May 28, 2009
some people can't be changed.
Movie tickes sold for 4$ at our local theater. We saw The Soloist. Although I assumed the movie to be predictable and without creativity, I was surprised at the outcome of this movie. The movie was full of interesting information that I was before ignorant to and did not disappoint.
I was never aware of the LAMP Community in LA that houses poor and homeless people with severe disabilities, until I saw this movie. Los Angeles is home to over 90,000 homeless people, more than New York, Chicago, and San Francisco combined. Often times, the homeless people of LAMP's community are harassed by cops who perform twice-daily sweeps and trash the residents' belongings. Read more about it here.
Years ago, when I still lived in Fort Wayne, I was dating a guy who got weekly haircuts at a barber shop in our neighborhood. One day while at the barber shop, he noticed a guy sweeping hair and performing other small jobs around the shop. Turns out this guy was homeless, had been hired by the shop for small amounts of cash.
Barry [Mr. Homeless] was hired by [guy I was dating at the time] to clean and paint his basement for a mere 40-50$. Eventually we introduced Barry to a few neighbors in the 'hood, many who also hired Barry for odd jobs around their homes. Barry moved into an apartment owned by one of our neighbors, and they hired him full-time as their handy-man. For quite a while, Barry enjoyed the improved lifestyle and took advantage of ordinary things like sleeping in a warm bed, and shopping at the grocery store for food. BUT although Barry had a house to live in, he still had the mentality of a homeless person. Eventually, he moved back in to the streets. We have not seen or heard from him since.
Who were we to assume that Barry was not living the life he loved?
Who were we to tell Barry that there was more to life?
Who were we to attempt at changing a person unwilling to change?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
In and Out my place my space.
.....Friday night.
And I had planned to spend the weekend alone.....
After being bombarded with guests this weekend, I realize how much I truly value my "me" time.
My recent move to Chicago has attracted two different groups of people back into my life: Friends of mine living in Chicago that I have not seen in 2 years, and Friends in Minneapolis that need a place to stay when they visit Chicago.
Years ago, while working at a salon in Chicago, I became pretty good friends with a few of my guests. One of those friends resurfaced this weekend. He made an appointment and paid a visit to the salon I am currently working in. After cutting his hair, we decided to do dinner and catch up. We ended up at the Earwax Cafe for burgers (black bean), fries, and milkshakes (vegan).... and then over to a Wine Cafe for 2 flights of red wine. We caught up on our lives... work... relationships... friends... dogs... workout regimines... and family. As the night was coming to a perfect end with a good friend, he asked to crash at my place.
What is up with guys that think they can crash at your place just because you went 'out' with them?You see, the problem is: A. He knew I already had out of town guests this weekend. B. I am not attracted to him in any way, shape, or form (and he knows it). and C. I had just got done telling him about my Mr. McDreamy.
The weekend has progressed. I've got two guys staying with this this weekend... guys who were at one point in time really good friends of mine. They promised the weekend would not be full of gayness, but the weekend HAS been full of flying fucking rainbows, cockrings, inflatable gags, and anal beads. I was promised shopping, and I got International Mr. Leather. I was promised a nice Sushi dinner... but instead, I got dinner with International Mr. Leather.
My friends have changed.
Or maybe... it is me that has changed?
I just know that I opted out of the gay bars last night and stayed home (when I finally got home.) There are 2 guys sleeping (snoring) on my living room floor... still in the clothing they wore out last night... and I hope to play on my own schedule today... instead of waiting around for other people the entire day...........
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
dreams vs. reality
Reality is... we are all surrounded by controversy, circumstance, and error.
My dream is to remain 26 years of age forever.
Reality is... I am becoming older and wiser with each passing moment.
My dream is to never deal with money again.
Reality is... I work to make money and I make money to pay bills.
Reality is... There will never be enough money.
My dream is to sense satisfaction.
Reality is... I am never quite satisfied.
My dream is to travel the world, explore new places, learn new cultures...
Reality is... I travel often to places I have already been (most often).
My dream is live on a white sandy beach... in a major city with beautiful 75-90 degree weather everyday.... surrounded by raw food restaurants and organic farmers markets.
Reality is... I live in Chicago.... a city that I absolutely love.
My dream is to be whisked away to some far away place by the man of my dreams, never to be returned.
Reality is... I hover in this wonderful world of dating.
My dream is to live an Organic Raw lifestyle 100% of the time.
Reality is... Junk Food is everywhere.... temptation is hard to resist.
My dream is to devote every day of my life to rest and pleasure.
Reality is... I devote a good portion of my life to work and survival.
If you had the choice between living reality or a dream, what would you choose?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
this economy
don't trash your business cards
the southwest airlines dilemma
southwest airlines seeks passengers. pet airlines seeks pawsengers
music fans let go of cd's
has the recession affested the sex industry?
thrift stores running low on stock
now hiring! twitter throws the economy
the financial crisis as told by this American life
Monday, May 11, 2009
I just wanted to see you so bad
The road was dark but the stars were bright
I just wanted to see you so bad
It didn't matter what my friends would say
I was gonna see you anyway
I just wanted to see you so bad
You were staying in a big hotel
I just wanted to see you so bad
I didn't know you very well
I just wanted to see you so bad
We'd always talked on the telephone
But I'd never been with you all alone
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad
I got off on the seventh floor
I just wanted to see you so bad
I couldn't have asked for anything more
I just wanted to see you so bad
I saw your face so clear and bright
I must have been crazy but it sure felt right
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad
I just wanted to see you so bad
[Lucinda Williams "I just wanted to see you so bad]
Sunday, May 10, 2009
a reminder to myself
Saturday, May 9, 2009
excess baggage
If you travel at all you know that the airlines are now charging a fee for checked baggage. Quite interesting since this incentivizes all of us who fly to try to avoid checking bags and attempt jam as much in the overhead compartments as possible. Where if they run out of room they will check your bag at no charge....... hmmmmmmmm. As a frequent traveler it amazes me that the airlines need to turn to this "excess."
I seldom am on a flight that is not completely full. While I am lucky enough to avoid most of these fees due to my stature with a couple of airlines..... that and a couple of hundred dollars will get a bag of trail mix..if your lucky.....I most recently traveled with three bags and while I escaped the fee on the first two.. the third bag cost me $100 each time I checked in. I was so frustrated I just left my third bag at my second destination..... it was my golf clubs which certainly deserved to be left behind, but the point is excess baggage can be costly. I know because I too come with some excess baggage. It is part of who I am today and while I certainly comfortable with the "extra fees" that come with it, it certainly can test the patience of those close to me. While I certainly try to leave it behind some times, there are some "trips" where the baggage accompanies me....and I ask for patience from those who it may effect because I do see where it can fill up the overhead compartment . It's part of that obstacle course I spoke of earlier, a course that I am determined to succeed at without the loss of the one I love. So while my bags will always be with me, I know I can be more sensitive on how I "carry on" with them. Everyday I learn and thats why life is so fascinating.
He's got baggage. He works a ridiculous amount of hours every week. He's got a son in rehab, and 2 girls he doesn't see often enough. He's is emotional and sensitive.... overwhelmed.
I am certainly not equipped to handle excess baggage, I have tried my best to be patient and supportive... encouraging and compassionate.
It wasn’t good enough
I am suffering. I am in need of a friend. My best friend. And he is gone.... busy.... distracted.
Amazing that my best friend has not been willing or able to be encouraging...supportive... compassionate in my time of need.
Finally,I know what it feels like to be a single girl desparate for attention. Desparate to talk to someone that will listen. Desparate for a hug.
Before I met him, I would have considered myself an independent person... un-emotional.
That has changed.
I trusted him and counted on him. He was always right where I needed him.
He brought out the best in me and is now exposing the worst.
So I find myself back in the pool of "dating." It's sink or swim and I am determined to become a skilled swimmer and an expert diver.

The dating scene is whack. I share with you an e-mail I received via Loopt:
From: Ethan
Subject: My nest
Is where bird will pass out from exhaustion from a strenuous jackhammering of your sultry love orface. My passionate thrusts will only be followed by leaving your angelic face looking like a painters radio
Alluring, isn't it?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
healthy doggy

[[ According to the Sunday Telegraph, Bramble, living in Bridgewater, Somerset, UK, has just (August 2002) celebrated her 27th birthday, possibly making her the world's oldest living dog and a contender for the "Guiness Book of Records".
How exactly does a dog live to be 189 (in dog years)? - Anne Heritage, 43, describes how Bramble survived at least one near-death-experience right at the outset in February 1977: "The day after we brought her home, the [New Quay rescue centre] kennels flooded and the other dogs drowned," says Ms. Heritage. "So she's been incredibly lucky."
Aside from luck, Bramble's secret to longevity is a vegetarian diet. Ms. Heritage is a vegan and has brought up her pooch on the same diet regime she herself follows.
"She has a big bowl of rice, lentils and organic vegetables every evening," says Ms. Heritage.
In addition to healthy eating, exercise is a must. Last year while recovering from a back injury from a fall, which doctors said could have paralyzed her, Bramble began taking swimming lessons at a canine hydrotherapy pool in Stolford. She now enjoys a a half an hour at a canine hydrotherapy pool, where Anne's partner Roy Franklin takes her weekly on Fridays..
She's still alert and active and goes for a walk four times a day. ]]
go veg.
♥peace, love, & lentils.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
still drenched in tears.
what used to be
He is my mentor and my hero.
He is an amazing father and has a good heart.
He enjoys long walks on the beach and home-cooked meals.
He pays attention to me.
He has a juicer and uses it! (SO cute)
He is soooo adorable.
He gives the best hugs.
He is thoughtful and generous.
He supports everything I say... every move I make.
He opens the door for me every time.
He is funny and laughs often.
He has a sexy voice.
He likes to go shopping with me but is not materialistic.
He never criticizes me.
He never argues with me.
He is honest and has nothing to hide.
He prefers that I wear no makeup and often reminds me how beautiful I am.
He is adventurous and brave.
He is easy-going and never challenging.
He is not judgemental and strives to do the "right" thing.
He listens.
He reminds me of what True Beauty is.
He is my best best friend.
He is nothing short of amazing.
..........but I feel like I am losing him. I am naseaus, anxious, teary-eyed, and I can't sleep.
because i am doing hair for a wedding this weekend.

…she might be channeling Grace Kelly or Audrey Hepburn. This style calls for a look that’s playful but sophisticated and doesn’t interfere with the beautiful neckline of the dress. “One thing to remember is that the style you create will be in the bride’s photo album the rest of her life,” says Ginger Boyle of Planet Salon in Beverly Hills. Boyle suggests styling hair into a chignon to keep the look sophisticated. “You can create luxurious textures, with more or less detail depending on the type of dress,” she says. Another option for long hair is to style it into a sleek, classic shape that sweeps upward for a stunning effect. “The exquisite simplicity of uniform curls can add a sense of ease and nonchalance to the look,” Boyle says. You can also add detail with braids as long as you’re strategic with their placement. It’s important to maintain balance, she advises. For brides with short hair, a dress with a high neckline frames the face, so the best approach is to keep the hair higher up on the crown, Boyle says

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
drenched in tears dog is confined to a small concrete cage where he must poop and pee on himself for 10 days. he is not allowed to go outside. he is not allowed to leave the cage.Dog Bite Law consists of Dog or other animal’s bites and requires observation of the animal involved in the incident. Whenever the administrator finds out of any person that has been bit or attacked by a dog or other animal, he or she will be able to legally confine the dog and place it under the observation of a licensed veterinarian for up to a period of ten days. The department might also reduce this confinement period to less than ten days. The veterinarian doing such observation will be responsible of reporting the clinical condition of the dog right away and give a written confirmation to the administration within 24 hours after the dog has been given an examination and will also provide information such as the sex, age, breed, description, address, name of the owner or owners etc. and will be required to fill out specific forms for this. After the veterinarian has finished doing his or her observation on the dog he or she will then need to fill out written report on the dogs confinement period. In cases where the dog has been inoculated against rabies for example, the dog may just be required to be confined to its owners home or will need to be kept at all cost away from people so that it does not attack again for a period of ten days. Again the time for this type of confinement can be reduced depending on what the case is. And in the end the dog will always be examined by the administrator or a licensed veterinarian. There is obviously a lot more on the Illinois Dog Bite Law and if you are interested in finding out you can speak to a lawyer concerning your specific case. []
he did not attack. he simply snipped at someone that scared him. he meant no harm.
this treatment is inhumane. disgusting. sad.